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Group Dance – Theme: Same Story, New Cast


  1. One team per college (8-12 participants).
  2. Duration: 4-6 minutes (includes setup & clearance).
  3. At least 2 characters must be swapped as per the theme.
  4. Dance style: Open choice.
  5. Props usage is mandatory (minimum 30 seconds during the performance).
  6. Minimum 5 participants must be on stage at all times.
  7. If a technical issue occurs, the team may restart from the beginning or the point of disruption.
  8. Exceeding time limit will result in point deductions.
  9. Music tracks must be submitted 4 days prior to the event.
  10. No use of fire, water, powder, or paper on stage.
  11. Judges' decision is final.

Judging Criteria

  • Creativity
  • Expressions
  • Choreography & Synchronization
  • Costumes
  • Prop Usage
  • Overall Performance


  • Pooja Kamath – 8625976513
  • Om Bandodkar – 8624013705
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