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Debate – Flight of Reasons


  • Preliminary Round: Group discussion (rules given on the spot).
  • Oxford-Style Debate: Teams argue "For" or "Against" based on a coin toss.

Debate Structure:
- Opening Statements (1 min per team)
- Discussion & Rebuttals (5 mins)
- Q&A from Judges/Audience (2 mins)
- Closing Statements (1 min per team)
- Total Time: 11 minutes

1. Debate conducted in English only.
2. Teams get prep time before the debate.
3. Use of mobile devices is only allowed during prep time.
4. Foul language or unfair means result in disqualification.
5. Judges' decisions are final and binding.

- Zuneira Shah - 95187 34628
- Aditya Naik - 73919 38350
- Pranjal Naik Goltekar - 82618 94254

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